SMILEY is a project of the HUMAN FIRST program
of The COCÖÖÖN consortium designed to help citizens of cities, territories, communities, sports clubs ... to live better in their ecosystem. Today's challenge around the world is to face the different impacts of Corova Virus 2.
These impacts what are they?
The psychological destabilization of individuals, families and economic poverty which increases among the most vulnerable, but also among all those who have fallen or will fall financially in the coming weeks.Our solution?
Strengthening links between citizens and their institutions: a mobile application that assesses psychological, social and financial well-being and that automatically connects emergency services by pressing the symbol for illiterate people.Electronic vouchers for thematic financial and economic reinforcement: a citizen will be able to buy food exclusively with a voucher, for example, and a merchant will be able to be paid in electronic vouchers which will increase his sales power.
We inform you that each donation made cannot be refunded. If you do not request an assignment to a project, your donation can be used according to the urgencies of the moment.
If you would like a document to justify your donation, please indicate it to us in addition to your payment.